Kuwait field hospital


Integrated Petroleum is proud of obtaining the confidence of the Council of Ministers to implement a project similar to KIPIC Medical Centre in the exhibition grounds in Mishref, which began work in April 2020, and includes halls (4, 5, 6, 8) to become integrated rooms ready to receive patients in addition to the establishment of a private housing building for medical and nursing staff and technical workers, after KIPIC Medical Centre won the admiration and praise of all parties in the country for the integrated petroleum ability to complete it in record time.

As a continuation of the tremendous efforts made by Integrated Petroleum to support the state’s efforts in facing the Corona pandemic, the establishment of the field hospital came to culminate in its great keenness to enhance its national and societal role by harnessing all its material and human resources, as work was launched in it based on a decision of the Council of Ministers to support the capabilities of the state, The exhibition grounds were chosen by Musharraf to carry out this work. The integrated petroleum was keen to rely on the implementation on Kuwaiti hands and the capabilities of the oil sector alone without the assistance of any external party, and it was implemented at a maximum speed and in record time and was delivered to the Ministry of Health within 3 months, while maintaining the best quality so that this project would be integrated and constitute in itself a medical city an integrated approach that will not be limited to efforts to combat the emerging corona “Covid-19”, but can expand in the future to face any crisis.

The capacity is 256 beds, equipped with all modern medical equipment and devices and its own medical gas unit, and contains administrative offices and sterilization rooms with special facilities and backup generators, knowing that this entire work was implemented within only 3 weeks, and the oil sector is currently developing further development the clinical capacity to make all beds an intensive care unit.

The capacity is 208 beds, and civil, electrical and IT-related engineering works have been completed, the ventilation system and its facilities, and the hall has been equipped with beds, modern medical equipment, a medical gas unit and backup generators.
It has a capacity of 406 beds, and the civil, electrical, information technology and ventilation system of the hall have been completed, and it is equipped with beds, modern medical equipment, medical gases unit and backup generators.

It has a capacity of 373 beds and includes 4 medical suites containing 341 medical beds and 32 recovery beds, in addition to a private housing for the medical staff adjacent to Hall 8 consisting of 60 cabins that can accommodate 120 people. The civil, electrical, information technology and ventilation system of the hall were completed, as well as equipped with beds, modern medical equipment, a medical gas unit and standby generators, and were handed over to the Ministry of Health within 3 weeks.

In what is known as the northern expansion, where 234 housing units were established for the medical staff supervising the hospital’s management, with a capacity for 170 doctors, 388 nurses and 258 technical workers, and furnishing housing with all the furniture and special requirements for service rooms and restrooms for the medical staff.

The building area is 680 square meters, and includes a laboratory, medical stores, administrative offices, cold rooms and a loading area.

The building has an area of 1690 square meters and includes administrative offices, meeting rooms, stores, workshops, feeding rooms and a mortuary.

The medical gases unit has been allocated to Hall No. 4, with an area of 210 square meters, and to Halls No. 5 and 6, with an area of 315 square meters. They were operated and handed over to the Ministry of Health.