Press Releases

His Highness the Amir of Kuwait Inaugurates Full Operation of Al-Zour Refinery

Under the Slogan “Accomplishments Continue”



His Highness the Amir of Kuwait Inaugurates Full Operation of Al-Zour Refinery


His Highness the Amir Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah formally launches full operation of Al-Zour Refinery on Wednesday, May 29, 2024, marking a key milestone in the project’s history. This project holds immense importance in the history of the country’s oil sector, representing a major step forward in its development.


The convoy of His Highness arrived at the celebration site, where he was warmly welcomed by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Oil, Dr. Imad Muhammad Al-Ateeqi, the CEO of Kuwait Petroleum Corporation (KPC) Sheikh Nawaf Al-Saud, and the Acting CEO of Kuwait Integrated Petroleum Industries Company (KIPIC) Engineer Wadha Al-Khateeb.


The ceremony featured a captivating documentary film that highlighted Al-Zour Refinery Project. This remarkable project is considered a cornerstone of the aspiring “New Kuwait Vision 2035” and stands as the largest oil drainage and processing refinery in the Middle East, as it commenced operations on November 6, 2022, marking a significant milestone. The film provided insight into the various stages of project completion and the difficulties encountered along the way.


During the ceremony, the Minister of Oil, Dr. Imad Al-Ateeqi, delivered a speech in which he stated, “Today, we are privileged to be graced with the esteemed presence of His Highness the Amir of Kuwait, Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah. His Highness graciously extended his patronage to the celebration of the full operation of Al-Zour Refinery, a significant milestone for the Kuwaiti oil sector.” Adding: This demonstrates your ongoing dedication to staying informed and promoting progress in this crucial sector, as well as in other areas of the Kuwaiti economy.



“Al-Zour Refinery is one of the most important projects in the development plan of the State of Kuwait. It is also one of the main pillars of Kuwait Petroleum Corporation’s (KPC) 2040 strategic plan, which aims to produce high-quality oil derivatives with low sulphur content in order to reduce polluting gases. This is done in accordance with global environmental standards and requirements, and it is also intended to meet the growing demand for electrical energy as a result of population and urban growth,” he added.


According to Al-Ateeqi, this revolutionary project is a concrete manifestation of the “New Kuwait 2035” development vision. Al-Zour Refinery is not only expected to boost the profitability of Kuwaiti products but also create opportunities to enter new global markets. Additionally, it solidifies Kuwait’s position as a leading global energy provider. The project also aims to create career opportunities for national workers, as 667 newly graduated students with university degrees and diplomas were recruited to contribute to the completion of this major national project.


Al-Ateeqi concluded his speech by saying, “We pledge to you, Your Highness, to persist in our diligent and productive efforts towards a brighter future for our beloved nation and its esteemed citizens, under your astute guidance and gracious counsel. I would also like to express my gratitude to our highly skilled national workforce and the contracting companies that played a vital role in the successful completion of this project. Additionally, I extend my thanks to all those who graced us with their presence today.”



Accomplishments Continue


For her part, Eng Wadha Al-Khateeb, the Acting Chief Executive Officer of Kuwait Integrated Petroleum Industries Company (KIPIC), delivered the following statement: “Two years ago, specifically in March 2022, we celebrated the operation of the environmental fuel project in Mina Al-Ahmadi and Mina Abdullah refineries. This project marked the beginning of a new phase and constituted a milestone in the history of the oil and gas industry in our beloved country, in particular the refining industry.”


“And here we are today, gathered to commemorate the successful completion of Al-Zour Refinery, a monumental project in the world of refining. With an impressive capacity of 615 thousand barrels per day, this refinery stands as one of the largest in the industry. These two projects mark the beginning of a new era in the Kuwaiti oil sector, as well as a significant boost for the country’s oil refining industry. This initiative ensures that Kuwait Petroleum Corporation (KPC) and its subsidiaries can meet international environmental standards and requirements. It also increases the export and marketing efforts for petroleum products and the exploration of new global markets,” she continued.



According to Al-Khateeb, Al-Zour Refinery is known for its impressive flexibility in refining operations. The refinery’s specific design allows it to process various types of Kuwaiti oils, positioning it as a crucial and strategic port for processing heavy oils. Additionally, the refinery has the capability to produce top-notch oil derivatives, including jet fuel, diesel, chemical naphtha, and low-sulphur fuel oil.


Furthermore, she indicated that the refinery’s premium products were shipped to over 30 countries around the world by employing the refinery’s sea island. Additionally, the refinery also supplied low-sulphur fuel oil to local power plants for the generation of electricity.


Additionally, Al-Zour Refinery boasts the world’s largest collection of units dedicated to removing waste oil sulphur from the atmospheric distillation unit. As a result, the refinery significantly increases the refining capacity of the country’s refineries from 800,000 barrels per day to 1 million and 415,000 barrels per day.


With its specialised capabilities to utilise treated water for industrial and irrigation needs, the facility goes above and beyond. It is equipped with dedicated terminals to closely monitor air quality and utilises advanced furnaces and boilers to minimise emissions. All of this is part of a comprehensive environmental system that focuses on environmental control and monitoring.


Creativity and Innovation

Al-Khateeb emphasised the efforts that the oil industry, represented by Kuwait Petroleum Corporation (KPC) and its subsidiaries, is making to develop its work tools, improve the skills and capabilities of its human cadres, and provide a healthy and safe work environment that motivates workers to be creative and innovative. She further emphasised the oil industry’s strong desire to actively and significantly impact global energy transformation initiatives, with the intention of contributing to environmental protection and addressing the challenges posed by climate change in line with Kuwait’s pledge to attain carbon neutrality by 2050. Similarly, the sector’s diverse enterprises and initiatives should dedicate constant and diligent efforts to the process of digital transformation, ensuring sustained viability amidst intense competition, a commitment that’s greatly aligned with Kuwait’s significant position and function as a leading global producer and exporter of oil.


Monumental Endeavors

Al-Khateeb lauded the tremendous efforts that were exerted by all project participants to surmount every obstacle encountered throughout the project’s phases, commencing with construction and planning and concluding with operation.


A Significant Milestone

 Following that, His Highness the Amir, may God preserve and guard him, cordially spun the silver wheel, thereby launching a momentous occasion in Kuwait’s oil sector’s chronicles. In addition, a graphical representation was provided that chronicled the significant historical events that have transpired since the ruling period of Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, may God rest his soul, until the present period.